Current News, Dates & Events.

What are we doing?

At Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, new developments and innovations are constantly emerging – and we can’t wait to share them! Whether as a sponsor or attendee at conferences, we’re always keeping a sharp eye on fresh trends, ready not only to inform but also to inspire and spark meaningful exchange.

Well informed cat
Hand pointing

What´s new?

Emilia on bike with yellow backround

Emilia Legal Protection: Fresh Updates.

There are some really cool updates with Emilia now! The service runs even smarter, with better user navigation, more flexible payment options, and additional features for brokers.

Gruppenbild Geschäftsleitung

Meet the Game-Changers

Große Veränderungen bei Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Martin als CFO und Mathias als CCO erweitern unser Führungsteam. Mehr Expertise, mehr Weitblick – und die gleiche Leidenschaft für echten Impact. Neugierig auf die Zukunft? Let’s go!

Logo of the ICE Barcelona Exhibition

Back to Exhibitions – this time under Barcelona’s sun!

Two days away from the gray skies of Northern Germany and into the warmth of Barcelona for the ICE Gaming Exhibition 2025. A welcome change of pace – and weather.

Tree growing out of pavement

From Startup to Grownup: An Exciting Chapter in Our Journey

Three years have passed, and what a journey it has been! We haven't just evolved; we've grown significantly.

Emilia App Screenshots

Emilia Legal Protection: A PWA for a seamless user experience.

Discover how we ensure quick, direct access to all services – no updates, no fuss.

Animation of a clapperboard

Behind the Scenes: What Our Team Members Say.

Our colleagues are not only experts in their jobs, but also really great in front of the camera. Screenshots Insurance? We make it simple makes getting insured quick and hassle-free. With Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, the platform runs seamlessly, delivering a smooth and straightforward user experience.

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Person with binoculars